These are the Pre-Requisites to the Master Guide Class. All these requirements must be met before commencing with the coursework.
- Teacher: Christopher Hammond
These are the Pre-Requisites to the Master Guide Class. All these requirements must be met before commencing with the coursework.
The purpose of leadership training is to refine knowledge and focus. Each workshop should
provide candidates with comprehensive knowledge and resources that they can use in
their local field. Workshops may be adapted by the local Conference/Mission to provide the
most relevant training to candidates. The recommended workshop length is 75-90 minutes,
and should include a balance of lecture, discussion, and practice. Each workshop should be
taught by instructors trained and approved by the Conference/Mission.
The Share Section provides opportunities for evangelism that can be applied to a variety of
requirements. Extroverts and introverts alike will find ways to share the lessons learned rather than keeping that treasure just for themselves. The key word is share! A Master Guide’s
mission is to share their knowledge with everybody for God’s glory.